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发布时间:2024/7/20 10:38:45 




  清华大学生硫酸泼熊案在十几年前轰动了全国,引起了人们对我国动物立法 问题的广泛关注。这种虐待动物的行为极其恶劣,但因我国动物立法方面的缺失, 这些残害动物的行为只能受到道德谴责而不受法律的规制。近年来虐待动物行为 愈加频繁和肆意,我们应认识到它的社会危害性,制定相关法律来规制,这是符 合人类长远发展、被越来越多的国家所认同和接受的正确做法。笔者认为,应在 尊重我国国情的基础上借鉴西方国家经验,首先以反虐待动物立法为起点,进而 增加专门的动物福利立法,由一般到特殊的逐渐完善动物立法体系,这将是我国 动物立法进程的一个清晰而长远的目标。

  本文首先对我国虐待动物行为的现状进行阐述,分析其危害性。第二部分进 行国内外动物立法比较,通过了解国外已经成熟完备的立法体系,强调我国完善 动物立法的必要性。最后部分,详细给出适合我国社会实情的立法建议以规制日 益增加的虐待动物行为。


  Animal cruelty and its Legal Regulations


  The case that Liu Haiyang sprayed sulfuric acid with bears happened ten years ago , which led to an extensive attention to issues of animal protection legislation. People have realized that animal cruelty is extremely bad, because it is essential for human to keep a balance between human and nature. Due to a lack of animal legislation in these aspects, behaviors of cruelty to animals can only be condemned by morality rather than legislation. With animal cruelty happening more frequently, we should recognize that such acts are harmful to society and conduct laws about animal abuse, which are good for human development. Newsday, more and more countries have taken right measures for this question. However, Chinas animal legislations are still in the early stage of exploration. We should learn the experiences of Western countries and combine it with the condition of our country. First we should conduct an legislation to forbid animal cruelty ,and then we should make some special animal welfare legislations, finally we can build a system about animal protection in law. This will be a long-term goal and process of Chinas animal protection in legislation

  This essay has three sections. Firstly, it introduces the current situation of animal cruelty and its bad effects. The second part of is about the international animal protection legislation in foreign countries. The last part is the condition of in china and solutions for it.

  KEY WORDS: animal abuse; animal legislation; anti-abuse


