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发布时间:2024/7/1 11:13:08 


  Today, modern society has shown a strong and growing concern for the welfare and protection of animals. Not only do we care about our beloved pets who greet us every day after a hard day at work and make us feel loved, but we’re also becoming more aware of endangered animal species which we have to protect in order for them not to become instinct.


  Countries all over the world are passing laws to protect animals, their rights, and also to raise public awareness. We here at Bored Panda have selected 10 interesting and important laws that protect animals all over the world. We must admit that some of them are hard to believe it’s true!


  So scroll down the page and find out the most interesting of them all!


  #1 New Zealand Has Officially Recognized That Animals Are Sentient



  New Zealand is considered to be one of the leaders in the field of animal welfare and protection. According to World Animal Protection, the New Zealand Animal Welfare Strategy states that animals are sentient, therefore, all should refer to their pain, distress, and behavioral needs. As of now, causing animal suffering through cruelty or failure to act is prohibited, as well as studies and experiments on animals. Also, there are requirements to limit or prevent harm caused to particular animals such as marine mammals and game animals.


  #2 In Virginia, Stealing A Dog Can Be Punishable By Up To 10 Years In Jail



  As we mentioned before, in many U.S. states, dogs are viewed as property by law even though people consider them to be their family members. Therefore when someone steals a dog, in the eyes of the law, it will not be kidnapping and in the majority of the cases, the person can get away with it. Nevertheless, according to Tingen & Williams, it won’t be that easy in Virginia as stealing a dog is a Class 5 felony which is punishable by up to 10 years in jail regardless of the monetary value of the pet.


  #3 In Poland, Anyone Who Finds An Abandoned Dog Or Cat Is Required To Notify An Animal Shelter, Fire Authority, Or Police



  According to World Animal Protection, if you find an abandoned dog or cat in Poland, you’re required to notify an animal shelter, fire authority, or police. Then the abandoned dog or cat will not have to wander and starve on the streets. Also, commercial breeding of cats and dogs is prohibited.


  #4 Russia Bans Animal Cruelty



  This year, Russia is taking a big step in reducing animal cruelty. According to the Moscow Times, the new law bans petting zoos in malls, animal cafes, animal fights, housing animals in bars and restaurants. Also, the killing of stray cats and dogs. This law was originally introduced in 2010, however, it took legislators eight years to finalize the act. Even though the law has been highly criticized for many loopholes, the state will define it at a later date.


  #5 In Alaska, When One Wants To Divorce Their Spouse, The Judge Decides Who Gets The Animal



  In most U.S. states when a married couple decides to get a divorce, their pets are treated the same way as property no different than TVs or cars even though they’re considered to be family members. However, according to the Washington Post, in 2017, Alaska became the first state to change this matter and its divorce laws. Now, in case of divorce and legal separation, the animals are treated almost the same way as the children: the judge determines who will get custody of the pet taking into consideration what’s best for them.


  #6 In Germany, The Fine For Killing A Protected Animal Can Vary Up To 25,000 Euros



  Germany is also considered to be an animal-loving country with its animal protection laws. According to World Animal Protection, the fine for killing a protected animal can vary up to 25,000 euros and that’s a lot of money! Fun fact: wasps are protected in Germany since they don’t do any harm and also help clean the environment. However, you don’t need to worry about killing a single wasp in Germany and then getting a 25,000 euro fine as the fine would usually be imposed only if you got rid of the whole nest.


  #7 In The Netherlands, People Have To Pay An Annual Dog Tax



  The Netherlands is aiming to become the first country where there are no stray animals. According to Expatica, most cities in the Netherlands have an annual Dog Tax which is calculated depending on the number of dogs in each household and is currently set by the local municipality. All dogs must be registered with the local town hall. The tax was set in order to make people even more responsible when making the decision to get a pet.


  #8 In The UK, The Maximum Sentence For Animal Cruelty Will Be Five Years In Prison



  According to Independent, the UK confirmed that the maximum sentence for animal cruelty will increase. The maximum fine will rise from £5,000 to £20,000 and for more serious cases, the maximum sentence will increase from two to five years in prison. This will surely prevent some serious animal cruelty cases.


  #9 In Turin, A Dog Owner Is Fined If He Walks The Dog Less Than Three Times A Day



  It might be no surprise but Italy considers itself to be a very animal-loving country as in many cities, animals are protected by law. However, one city in Italy stands out for its laws on animal welfare. According to Environmental News Network, in Turin, dog owners who walk their pets less than 3 times a day can be fined 500 euros ($650). Hard to believe? Animal lovers are also prohibited from dyeing their pet’s fur or “any form of animal mutilation” as the city doesn’t want Italians to turn their pets into ridiculous fluffy toys!


  #10 In Oklahoma, The Dog Owner Is Fully Responsible For Any Injuries His Dog Might Cause



  Oklahoma has seriously strict laws in regards to dog bites! According to AllLaw, if a person gets bitten or injured by a dog, he has two years to file a lawsuit in the state’s civil court system. And that’s a really long time! The dog owner is responsible for any injuries his dog causes even if the owner didn’t know that his dog might bite another person or simply act this way. However, the good news is that the dog owner might raise a few defenses if the injured person provoked the dog.




  枫叶英语教育(MaplesEDU)为大家提供学习英语口语的一个在线视频教育平台, 在这里大家可以沉浸在英语环境中来进行“学”“练”和“用”, 我们提供专业的北美老师和学生一对一练习,不出国门也能找到与国外一样的感觉, 让大家能以更小的代价和更低的成本就可以掌握这项技能.

  枫叶英语还根据学习的基本步骤, 在资源大分类下又进行了更细致的小分类, 也就是在各个场景分类下, 将资源分为:美式发音, 常用短语及常用词汇三个部分, 而这三部分正是在学习中最关键和最基础的内容. 而这样的细分, 为实现“教学”和“练习”提供了保障. “美式放音” 掌握最纯正的发音技巧, “常用短语”则提炼出日常生活经典句型, 方便自己进行重点的反复训练, 并随时更新北美地区最新最时尚的口语新词汇,让你紧跟时代的学习, 绝不会落伍, 成为老古董英语! “常用词汇”则为大家摘出了生词,并按照一定的规律进行了分类, 可以实现按类按规律来进行批量记忆, 根据英语日常使用习惯进行成套记忆, 不但容易记住, 而且还可以一下就能记住很多, 甚至是逐类而旁通, 联想记忆更多的词汇, 从而达到更佳的效果.




  专注于4-12岁英语教育, 在语言学习的黄金年龄段用纯正美式发音提供“母语式”语言环境; 生动活泼的高频次互动, 锻炼孩子在不同的情境中学习英语; 1对1教学, 给孩子100%关注


  培养语言学习的意识和兴趣, 培养学习的能力和习惯, 听懂老师的指令, 从字母认知到字母发音, 锻炼听说基础, 单词发音规律


  掌握初级词汇, 句型的使用, 了解动词形式并且运用过去时表达, 通过所学知识运用多种句型进行表达.







  枫叶英语教育(MaplesEDU)为大家提供学习英语口语的一个在线视频教育平台, 在这里大家可以沉浸在英语环境中来进行“学”“练”和“用”, 我们提供专业的北美老师和学生一对一练习,不出国门也能找到与国外一样的感觉, 让大家能以更小的代价和更低的成本就可以掌握这项技能.

  枫叶英语还根据学习的基本步骤, 在资源大分类下又进行了更细致的小分类, 也就是在各个场景分类下, 将资源分为:美式发音, 常用短语及常用词汇三个部分, 而这三部分正是在学习中最关键和最基础的内容. 而这样的细分, 为实现“教学”和“练习”提供了保障. “美式放音” 掌握最纯正的发音技巧, “常用短语”则提炼出日常生活经典句型, 方便自己进行重点的反复训练, 并随时更新北美地区最新最时尚的口语新词汇,让你紧跟时代的学习, 绝不会落伍, 成为老古董英语! “常用词汇”则为大家摘出了生词,并按照一定的规律进行了分类, 可以实现按类按规律来进行批量记忆, 根据英语日常使用习惯进行成套记忆, 不但容易记住, 而且还可以一下就能记住很多, 甚至是逐类而旁通, 联想记忆更多的词汇, 从而达到更佳的效果.







